Healing Prayer for Husband and Wife

Oh Father,
You created men
to live as a couple, and to
populate the face of the earth.
I ask that you give meaning
to our marriage,
because at present it seems
we do not understand each other
and that our love is weakened.
I ask for your infinite mercy.
Please pass your precious hand over us,
healing the wounds of our hearts.
You, who invite us to forgive
our neighbors, help me to forgive
the wounds in my heart
caused by my partner.
Give me a new understanding
to see my husband/wife with your eyes,
love him/her with your heart and
to forgive him/her
with Your mercy.
Today I acknowledge before You that I have
behaved badly and that perhaps
I have done or said things to my partner which
I would not like said or done to me.
Today I choose to die to my pride
and my arrogance,
and decide to apologize and forgive
despite this pain in my heart.
Today I choose to forgive sexual offenses,
such as coldness, abuse, deviations
and everything else that we did not know
with certainty
You did not like.
Today I decide to forgive the bad language,
the shouting, the verbal darts
and every word that has hurt my heart,
and before you I ask for your forgiveness
for all offenses that have come out
of my mouth.
Today I choose to forgive, in your Holy Name,
my partner’s weaknesses of infidelity,
their vices and all acts that I have
been wounded by,
and ask forgiveness for my own weaknesses.
Today I choose to forgive every offense
against my
my family, and I apologize if
I have offended my partner’s family.
Today I give you the thoughts of separation
I have had, because with them I have offended
you, and put my children and my family at risk.
Oh Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth
and the Life, help us to lead them
to your ways, to know the truth and to have
life that pleases you.
You who said:
I have come so you may have life
and life in abundance; give us that life
needed by our home, because sometimes it
seems to be the realm of death.
Today we consecrate our children,
our finances, our health,
our sexuality and everything we do,
for in every act we show your glory
for ever and ever.

This prayer among many others, found in Juan Alberto Echeverry's book Marriage, not Martyrdom

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