Prayer to Forgive

Dear Heavenly Father, here I am in your presence,
with a heart that is solemn, depleted, and
longing for your mercy. I acknowledge that it is
difficult for me to forgive the wound which has
opened up. I would like to ask that you help me
to forgive __________ for any wrongdoing toward
me; after all, you have commanded us that before
we place our offering on the altar, we first make
peace with our brother. I imagine him at the feet
of your Holy Cross and recognize how you love
and forgive us. I ask that you help me demonstrate
mercy toward him. Today I admit that I may have
provoked the sin or wrongdoing as well as shown
a lack of sympathy.

Holy Father, I do not want to harbor feelings of
hate or resentment in my heart and for this reason
I decide in Your Holy Name to forgive _________ and leave him free of wrongdoing.
I accept in my heart that his actions were motivated by his frailty and by the
temptations set in place by the enemy, as well as his experience during upbringing.
Today I receive your love and forgiveness, which covers and heals all things.
I declare my heart healed of all wounds and pain, and I receive your
peace deep within me so that from this moment on, nothing might trouble me.
Today I bless ___________ in the name of Jesus,
and I send over my love along with yours,
in order to break apart all wickedness within him.
Our Father in Heaven, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

This is a prayer, among many others, found in Juan Alberto Echeverry's book called A prayer for every Occasion



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