Prayer for parents and their children
por La Tinaja EditorialDear Heavenly Father, you who are the source
of parenthood, we ask that you would pour out
the virtue of wisdom over us, so that we might
know how to send our children on the path of
truth and goodness. We ask that you provide us
with serenity, judgment, wisdom, and prudence,
so that we might raise our children for a life of
peace, rectitude, and success in all of its paths.
We ask that our children might be open to the
workings of your Holy Spirit and that they may be
obedient to the teachings that we impart to them
based on your most perfect law, so that they will
not be lost. Today we give thanks for the gift that
is their lives and for having the opportunity to be
more like you through parenting, feeling the joy
that is produced by their love and company. We
ask that you would look over our weaknesses and
that we might someday dwell in heaven with you,
with the eternal joy of being face-to-face with you.
This prayer among many others is found in the book 3 Key Stages in Raising Children by Juan Alberto Echeverry
Get this book to access the rest of the valuable material written by the author.
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