Prayer for healing from cancer
por La Tinaja EditorialLoving Father, I come to your presence saddened by my health. I come to you with a heavy heart so that you might have mercy over my life. Uponhearing the word cancer I was taken by anxiety. I began to tremble, and thoughts began to race through my mind. Nonetheless I have wanted to remain in your presence so that I may be filled with strength, hope, and faith in you, who governs all life. Although the world and science might say that healing is hard or even impossible, I know that anything is possible for those who believe in you, and I believe that you can work a miracle for my life. I pray Holy Father, that you might return the divine order to every cell in my body. In your name Lord Jesus, I admonish every malignant cell and submit it to your divine will, and in yourname I declare myself safe and sound. From this point forward I place upon your hands my body, disposition, medical exams, treatment, procedures, and anything else associated with this illness. I ask that you strengthen my family in every area of their lives and that through this illness they might grow in faith and devotion to you who are the creator of all things. Although I do not understand the reason behind illness, I give you infinite thanks for what you have done and are yet to do in my life, and for the triumph you have already granted me from this point forward. I accept your perfect will over my life and ask forgiveness for any time I have acted against it. I place myself in your holy hands and receive the peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen. Our Father In Heaven, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
This is a prayer, among many others, found in Juan Alberto Echeverry's book called A prayer for every Occasion